If you wish to register for a PERSONAL MEMBERSHIP, or RENEW your existing PVAS membership instead, follow the links.
Give the gift of Membership! When you enroll someone as a Potomac Valley Audubon Society local member, ALL of the dues stay here to support local PVAS efforts and helps us grow!
Their local member benefits include:
- 10% discount on adult programs such as Birding 101, natural history and art workshops
- 10% discount on children’s programs including summer day camps
- 10% discount on qualifying PVAS events
- 10% discount on facility rentals and birthday parties
- Subscription to Valley Views, our quarterly newsletter
- Bi-weekly “Heads Up” e-newsletter
- Free/reduced admission at participating nature centers and museums around the country, through ANCA
- Invitation to members-only events such as our Annual Membership Dinner and special trips
- Discounts to participating businesses
- Support PVAS’s mission to preserve, restore, and enjoy the natural world through education and action.
To give a gift membership, you can register online (below) through our secure gateway with STRIPE or you may choose PAYPAL, or you can download, print, and complete this membership form and mail it in with your payment. Make the check out to “PVAS.” This fee covers membership for everyone in their household for one year.
Questions? If you have any questions about our membership policies or procedures please contact us at (681) 252-1387 or kristin@potomacaudubon.org.